How Should We Split Holidays in our Custody Order/Agreement?
Many parents are quick to alternate holidays or give too much time to the other parent without giving careful consideration to what the...

Your Child's Birthday in High Conflict Custody Cases
Should you include your child's birthday as part of a Parenting Agreement or Custody Order in high conflict cases? My answer...

Step 4: Build Your Case
4. BUILD YOUR CASE (Start Collecting Evidence) Now that you have your safety plan and support team in place, you’ll want to start...

Step 3: Interview Attorneys and Educate Yourself
3. Interview Attorneys & Educate Yourself In our prior post we talked about building your support team. If you can afford one, an...

Step 2: Build A Support Team
2. Build A Support Team One of the most common methods that an abuser uses to take control is through isolation. When you become...

Step 1: Create A Safety Plan
1. Create a Safety Plan The most important thing you need in preparing for a separation is a safety plan. When you are in a domestic...

Preparing for Your Independence Day
The July 4th holiday is quickly approaching and celebrates the signing and issuance of the Declaration of Independence. While often...

COVID-19 and Domestic Abuse: Surviving the Quarantine
The social isolation, fear, anxiety and extreme restrictions that have been put into place amidst the coronavirus pandemic are enough to...

Mandatory Custody Mediation in NC
It is mandatory in all counties before you can have a hearing on temporary custody or modification of custody. While, it is not...