Compassionate and Caring Representation

Firm News

Is Mediation Required in North Carolina?

Until a lawsuit for custody or equitable distribution is filed, mediation is not required in North Carolina. However, that does not mean that if you and your spouse are separating that you cannot choose to participate in private mediation on a voluntary basis. In most cases, being a proactive participant throughout the separation process will promote a more efficient process…

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Domestic Violence and Custody

The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children According to the Childhood Domestic Violence Association, approximately five million children witness domestic violence every year. Children from homes with domestic violence are much more likely to experience psychological problems, both in the short-term and in the long-term. Living with domestic violence significantly alters a child’s DNA, aging them 7 to 10 years.…

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Domestic Violence is a Deadly Problem

Domestic Violence is a real problem throughout this state and the globe. The NC Coalition for Domestic Violence has put together a list of homicides that have occurred in NC alone for the past year. Wake County has one of the leading rates of death for victims if domestic violence. Please take some time to look over this list and…

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Is Legal Separation Required in North Carolina?

You hear a lot about legal separation in NC. Most of what you hear, however, is incorrect. You will not find a law entitled “legal separation” in North Carolina, and you cannot file for legal separation in NC. You can file for Divorce from Bed and Board (which is essentially a fault based legal separation – but they are rarely…

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LegalZoom being sued by North Carolina State Bar – another good reason not to use them.

Adding to the post from earlier today, it has been brought to my attention that LegalZoom is engaged in a pretty hefty lawsuit with the North Carolina State Bar and may be prohibited from offering its services here. Just another reason not to use LegalZoom. LegalZoom is being accused of the unauthorized practice of law (or practicing law without a…

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