Compassionate and Caring Representation

Firm News

Is there emergency support in NC?

Other than requesting an expedited hearing on temporary support or requesting support through a Domestic Violence Protective Order, North Carolina does not have a statute or procedure for acquiring emergency child support or emergency spousal support. Different counties may have different systems set up to ensure that families are provided for but Wake County does not have an emergency procedure…

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What does NC law consider domestic violence?

North Carolina’s laws on domestic violence are contained within N.C. General Statute § 50B, which is in a different section from the laws on custody. You may hear a Domestic Violence Protective Order or a Restraining Order referred to as a “50B.” The term comes from the North Carolina statutes on domestic violence. In order to meet the legal definition…

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Step 1: Create A Safety Plan

1. Create a Safety Plan The most important thing you need in preparing for a separation is a safety plan. When you are in a domestic violence relationship, separation is typically the most dangerous time and when the risk of lethality is highest. Leaving immediately and urgently for your safety and to preserve your life or your children’s lives is…

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What Does the Bible Have to Say About Divorce?

What Does the Bible Have to Say About Divorce? by Tiffany Lesnik on 05/13/13 Many of my clients are Christians and as such are very concerned about the moral and spiritual ramifications of separation and divorce. Senior Pastor Chuck Milian at Crossroads Fellowship recently preached on this topic (in a powerful way) and dispels many myths about divorce that Christians…

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