Compassionate and Caring Representation

What Will Happen With My Children?

For every divorce or family law issue that happens with a parent, the question above is unavoidable. It’s the biggest question, and the answer isn’t always clear. North Carolina’s family laws are often confusing, but with the help of a compassionate and diligent attorney, you can understand your options.

At Lesnik Family Law P.C., we are lawyers who dedicate ourselves to finding the answers that you need most. We serve parents across Raleigh who have serious questions about their children’s future. We provide you with clarity in the form of information and advocacy. Your children’s safe, happy lives are your biggest concern, and we agree with you.

Child-Related Issues In North Carolina

In child-related family law, there is often a great deal of talk about the impact of divorce. However, that’s not everything, as these concerns can include:

In our pursuit of finding the right outcomes for our clients, we also offer parenting coordination services to help guide parents through the often difficult issues facing them.

Child Safety Is Highly Important

One keystone of our work is helping victims of domestic violence, and one of the most painful experiences a child can have is parental alienation. Parental alienation is when one parent intentionally demonizes and discredits the other parent to the child. The goal is to weaponize the children against the other parent.

The damage that actions like this create is nothing short of catastrophic. Life-long emotional and relationship damage can happen as a result of an angry campaign of alienation. You deserve to take action if you believe this is happening to your family.

Here For You. Here For Your Children.

When you need assistance in your family law, especially where your children are involved, turn to us. Our lawyers have the experience and insight to persevere in the face of dire consequences for your children. Call us at 919-701-6775 or send an email to get started.